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Do You Know the Differences Between Tube Trusses, Trusses, and space frame Structures?

Tube Trusses, Trusses, and Grid Structures: What's the Difference?

 Trusses are lattice structures made by connecting rod members at their ends, while tube trusses are trusses where all rod members are round tubes. Space frame structures, on the other hand, are spatial structures formed by connecting nodes through multiple rods arranged in a grid pattern.

 However, tube trusses do not have spherical nodes; they use intersecting lines where the pipes are welded together. Space frame structures have nodes, which can be hollow welded balls or solid bolt balls.

 Space Frame Structures

 Space Frame Structures



The common truss we often refer to is the quadrilateral truss. Trusses generally come in forms such as single-row trusses, triangular trusses, and quadrilateral trusses, with the quadrilateral type being the most widely used.

 Force Characteristics of Truss Structures vs. Space frame  Structures

Truss structures are planar structures that achieve stability with the support of bases and external forces, forming a unidirectional force system. Space frame structures can be supported peripherally and at multiple points, with large in-plane stiffness, forming a bidirectional force system.

 Characteristics of Truss Structures vs. space frame Structures

 Truss Structures

Truss Structures:

Advantages:Trusses can withstand both tension and compression, maximizing their utility and saving materials, thereby reducing the structure's weight. Truss structures evolved from grid structures and, compared to grids, offer certain superiorities and practical advantages. They are also very economical in terms of steel usage.

Applications: Trusses are primarily used to bear axial tension or compression. They are widely employed in industrial buildings, automotive industry platforms, production lines, logistics warehousing, public buildings like stadiums, business clubs, high-speed rail platforms, subway platforms, and high-rise business buildings.

 space frame Structures

Space Frame Structures:

Advantages: Space frame structures can bear spatial loads, are lightweight, and have excellent seismic performance.

Disadvantages: Manufacturing and installation are relatively complex.

Applications:Due to the characteristics of their nodes, grid structures are mostly used in curved structures and roofs, such as in stadiums, theaters, and waiting halls.


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