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Employee Photo Album

Semirara construction inspection

The person in charge of HBK Construction went to the construction site of the Semirara steel space frame to inspect. Our inspections included meetings with construction engineers and inspections of on-site installation conditions.

During the meeting, we had in-depth discussions with Semirara’s engineering team and communicated on project progress, technical details and safety requirements. Together we discussed how to optimize the construction process to ensure the project is completed on time and with high quality.

During the on-site installation inspection, we carefully scrutinized the installation quality and workmanship of the steel space frame. We noted that the Semirara team performed an excellent job during the installation process and met our technical specifications and standards. At the same time, we also put forward some suggestions to help them further improve construction efficiency and quality.

Overall, this inspection is of great significance for us to understand the progress and on-site conditions of the Semirara steel space frame project. We will continue to work closely with the Semirara team to ensure the project is successfully completed and meets the expected results and quality standards.

HBK Construction Corporation will continue to be committed to providing customers with high-quality engineering services to ensure the successful implementation of each project.

①Workers take a group photo in front of the materials

Workers take a group photo in front of the materials

②Engineers and workers take photos

Engineers and workers take photos

③Workers and designers have a meeting

Workers and designers have a meeting

④Construction site

Construction site

⑤Engineers and translators take photos

Engineers and translators take photos

⑥At the high-altitude welding machine node

At the high-altitude welding machine node

⑦Installing Steel structures

Installing steel structures


Contact Us

Contact: Mr.Lu

Phone: +86-51668601029

E-mail: hbktech@163.com


Add: 1412, Building 2, Vanke Huaihai Xintiandi, Block 3, Quanshan District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province